Alexander Hamilton – Ron Chernow

The Rediscovery of Alexander Hamilton: From Obscurity to Broadway Fame Having heard such great things about the musical, I decided to give it a watch and enjoyed it a great deal. I’ve always felt that, even if a few liberties … Continue reading

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Norse Myths – Kevin Crossley-Holland

Norse Myths

I’ve always found religion to be a deeply fascinating subject. Personally I consider myself an agnostic who leans towards atheism but I’m well aware that there’s as much proof for god existing as there is for Him/Her/It/Them not existing. Perhaps … Continue reading

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Gumption: Relighting the Torch of Freedom with America’s Gutsiest Troublemakers – Nick Offerman


Gumption – Noun – Informal. Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. That’s right, another book by comedian/actor/writer/woodworker Nick Offerman. Perhaps, based on my review of his last book, you’re interested in reading his latest release but just need this esteemed … Continue reading

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