Good Omens – Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman

Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman are two of Britain’s most beloved authors, and they’ve both proven their writing skill with the likes of Pratchett’s hugely successful Discworld novels and Gaiman’s Sandman comic series along with novels such as American Gods … Continue reading

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Mort – Terry Pratchett

Despite the fact that I’ve been reading from an early age, I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never properly checked out Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series. Given that Pratchett critically acclaimed books appeal both to adults and children, it … Continue reading

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Mythos: A Retelling of the Myths of Ancient Greece – Stephen Fry

As I explained in my review of Norse Myths, both Greek and Norse mythology have always appealed to me because I find it much easier to accept the existence of a God when he/she are not depicted as being benevolent … Continue reading

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Norse Myths – Kevin Crossley-Holland

Norse Myths

I’ve always found religion to be a deeply fascinating subject. Personally I consider myself an agnostic who leans towards atheism but I’m well aware that there’s as much proof for god existing as there is for Him/Her/It/Them not existing. Perhaps … Continue reading

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Musui’s Story: Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai – Katsu Kokichi

musui's story

The samurai were a class of military nobility found in Japan who, for over 700 years, fought and served lords who ruled over the country. Despite making up only 10% of Japan’s population the samurai maintained order and are often … Continue reading

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